
Portfolio Update – March 2022

Portfolio Summary

Here is a summary of my portfolio at the top level:

  • Raiz Aggressive Portfolio – $8,084.88
  • VDHG (using VPI platfom) – $31,636.50
  • IVV (Selfwealth) – $617.61
  • SYI (Selfwealth) – $2,095.50
  • VISM (Selfwealth) – $532.71
  • A200 (Selfwealth) – $2,066.56
  • Cryptocurrency – $44,310

Portfolio Total – $89,343.76. An increase of 20.41% compared to last month value ($74,195.47).

My saving rate for this month is 68%. Two reasons for this below 70% saving goal are that there is no extra work on my freelance job and there is a public holiday this month. I have also kept my spending lower compared to last month, but still not enough to ensure the saving rate for this month.

Note: A reminder is that this number is still an estimation only as my crypto portfolio consists of different assets, including NFTs, staking, DeFi. I have to use different tools to keep track and maintain the value of assets to finalize the final value of my portfolio. However, estimation is still good enough in this case.

Porfolio Analysis

Markets are heading on a more positive road now. Stock is still waiting for the outcome of the war but the market seems to be more positive overall. I have contributed around $5k this month to stock as there are incomes coming from my freelance work.

The Crypto market sees a big move from Bitcoin by staying over 45k. This has brought a huge amount of money to the market because Bitcoin is staying strong right now. FOMO is going strong, and I have my money ready to buy the dip. Staking rewards and dividends are coming now, and they are getting bigger every day, which is what I like a lot. I am starting to see a snowball effect now.

However, I must consider the fact that inflation still remains high and the Australian government still has not done anything yet to reduce the high inflation. The housing market is still as insane as ever. I am afraid the younger generations are not able to buy anything anymore. Buying a house seems like a burden now and I try to avoid it as much as I can and invest as much as I can each month. It is the only way to get out of this rat race. The portfolio is quite balanced now with 50% in crypto and 50% in stock and bond. The portfolio has reached $89,343 end of this month, and with the current uptrend of the crypto market, my expectation for next month is another 20% gain if the trend continues.

Here are some of the videos that I watched this month to see how the market goes.



The stock market is still uncertain. Inflation has been a hot topic recently. You can check out The FI Explorer analysis for this month and his cover on inflation.

As far as I am concerned, I am not worried too much about my equities side as I am only in the market for 1 year. The period is still too short to know what happens to my stock portfolio. My main focus is still on the Crypto market as I am more into that market. Stock is more like bonds to me at this state. I will keep contributing to VDHG fund monthly and see how it goes for the next couple of years.

Passive Income

Staking is still relatively going sideway. ADA reward should consistently get around 2.2~2.5 ADA per epoch. This month has produced about 10.142 ADA. SOL and ONT rewards are still small. BAT reward is to be updated. AXS and RON farming are still good. I expect to receive an extra 0.35 AXS because of my rank in the last season. For now, I have 4.5783 AXS (+ 0.35 AXS) and 32.47 RON, the decent amount so far. SLP price has increased this month so this month’s payment is around 75 AUD. However, Sky Mavis just got hacked on 29/03 and it looks really bad as all the money that they have for treasury is gone, so quite a bit of a heavy feeling here, but anyway let’s hope they can work this out. The dividend payment will come next month so let’s see how much I will make for the first quarter

To sum up:

  • ADA Reward – 10.142 ADA.
  • SOL and ONT rewards – the reward is not large enough to consider.
  • Brave Reward – 5.25 BAT
  • AXS Staking – around 0.01 AXS per day atm.
  • SLP farming – 101 AUD/ month
  • Dividend – $173.6/month (according to current payout)

What I have learnt

Keyword for this month – Patience

This month is pretty good. Well except for the work thing, I learned quite a lot.

I am able to set up my own private server using Docker now. With this, I can experience more things in the feature, especially how to set up the infrastructure for self-hosting or enterprise level. My goal is to slowly build my skills and experience in these fields so one day I can go out and work for myself. Small companies should be a target + innovative products. Though, it will take a couple of years before heading to that. For now, working and grinding every day at my job.

This month is dedicated to working most of my time. I have spent most of my time working and improving my skills. I also got to be an interviewer and understand some aspects when being an interviewer. I expect to lead a team so management skills will play a big part in the future. These skills are important when I move to a more management role. Other than that, I mostly spend time on podcasts while doing Surge. One of the interesting podcast episodes is about the successful CEOs who have the same kind of mindset as Mr. Warrent Buffet. Also, sometimes, slow down a bit and think, rage and frustration can be your enemy. Focus on what’s wrong and fix it, instead of blaming it.

2 thoughts on “Portfolio Update – March 2022

  1. Interesting portfolio! Welcome to the world of FI blogging, great clean looking site!

    I can’t tell you how nice it is to read that my blog has helped and inspired you to take this step. I’m so pleased, and I hope the act of reflecting each month, and that accountability will lead on to your goals being met and exceeded.

    Consider a contact page, or even a Twitter account sometime (DM me when you do! :)) Hearing from people is one of the best parts of being in this arena!

    1. Thanks so much for viewing my website. I am still working on the site at the moment so I was surprised to see you on the blog post. (I didn’t know that it can ping to your website :)) I was a bit scared to share it but seeing you in the comment, I was so relieved now.

      I have been following you since last year and I must say your blog has helped me to build this site. I will take your advice and continue working on this site.

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